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LIVE!!!! I DARE YOU is an intentionally thought provoking and action-invoking compilation that begs of us this question, “Are we truly living or are we just existing on this planet?” The old adage that ‘life is short’ rings true in every generation and therefore, for us to just exist is such a limitation. To conclusively answer this question, I Dare You to read, and as you do, introspectively assess the life you are living right now. At the end, if you discover that you are indeed living life to the fullest, then be motivated to continue and inspire others to do likewise. However, if you determine that you are just
existing, then now is the best time to take up this challenge to chart a new course for your life and LIVE!!!

Enjoy cultural gospel music from the Caribbean. Tune in to Chariots of Fire Radio and listen to inspirational gospel on steelpans.
R. W. Shambach
"Welcome to Archives on Chariots of Fire Radio, where you can find inspiring preachings and teachings from TeleEvangelist R.W. Shambach, Dr. Myles Munroe, & Kathrine Kulman. Our mission is to empower you in your Christian walk with God and help you grow in faith. Tune in and be blessed!"